Kenapa?  Sebelum saya  mula mengambil Debella berat badan saya 76 kg. Saya sebenarnya dah hampir putus asa untuk mengurangkan berat badan dan juga kolesterol. 
Tapi yang amat membimbangkan saya ketika itu ialah kerana saya sudah malas nak makan ubat kolestrol kerana takutkan side effects nya. Lebih-lebih lagi bila  saya  tak dapat  tipu diri sendiri dan mengetahui yang saya tidak berbuat apa-apa exercise pun untuk memperbaiki keadaan……Semasa melayari facebook saya terjumpa maklumat mengenai DEBELLA dan  terus saya hubungi wakil terdekat.
Yang best nya mula-mula saya tak berapa convince dan asyik mengelat dan cuti ‘diet’… my surprise……saya masih berjaya mengurangkan 3kg pada cubaan pertama [10 hari] !!!!  Kini saya sudah berjaya mengurangkan 8kg [dalam masa sebulan] !!!  
Saya berazam untuk mencapai BERAT BADAN UNGGUL , Insyaallah.
I want to lose weight without losing my friends, saya masih keluar makan bersama mereka . 
Ini bukan pertama kali saya on diet-plan, tapi ini kali pertama yang saya dengan confident akan kata IT WORKS!
Untuk mengetahui lebih detail mengenail product De Bella e-mail saya ke:
Litchin Fiber-RM 145 dan Litchin Enzim- RM145. 
Apa yang ada dengan LITCHIN? sila-sila lah lihat di bawah..

Satu set terdiri daripada ~
1 - Litchin Enzim De Bella ::
Litchin Enzim De Bella kaya dengan enzim yang sangat diperlukan tubuh untuk melicinkan proses penghadaman dan bertindak ke atas lemak yang berlebihan pada tubuh badan.
Kandungan dalam Litchin Enzim De Bella -
Fruit enzim, whey protein, isolated soy protein, soluble fiber, fructose, pectin, acerola powder, colostrum, passion fruit powder, garcinia gambogia dan white kidney bean.
Enzim ini sangat perlu bagi tubuh badan untuk kesihatan yang baik dan melanjutkan usia.
• Memecahkan molekul-molekul lemak yang besar kepada lebih kecil dan menyerapkan ke dalam usus untuk proses pencernaan.
• Bertindak kepada karbohidrat yang berlebihan yang diambil untuk ditukarkan kepada tenaga.
• Kandungan protein yang tinggi dapat mengurangkan rasa lapar dan membantu mengurangkan selera makan.
• Dapat mengurangkan pengambilan kalori dan menurunkan kadar kolestrol.
• Meningkatkan kadar metabolisma.
• Membekalkan segala nutrien dan meningkatkan antibodi badan.
• Memperlahankan pengeluaran lemak dan mempercepatkan pembakaran lemak.
• Berupaya menurunkan kadar lemak dalam organ yang menyumbang kepada penyakit-penyakit kronik.
Cara pengambilan
Satu sachet sejam sebelum sarapan pagi dan sejam sebelum makan malam.

2 - Litchin Fiber De Bella
Keperluan Litchin Fiber De Bella ini adalah sebagai minuman diet untuk membantu menyingkirkan toksik dalam badan, mengatasi sembelit, mengempiskan perut dan melancarkan pembuangan najis.

• Serat tumbuhan membantu mengurangkan cirit-birit dan menyerap air yang berlebihan ke dalam usus.
• Melicinkan usus dan memudahkan proses pembuangan najis.
• Mengurangkan sembelit dan mengatasi masalah buasir.
• Menyingkirkan semua sisa toksik dan membantu pembiakan bakteria baik dalam usus.
• Mengurangkan lemak dan paras kolestrol.
• Rasa kenyang yang lebih tahan lama, membantu menurunkan berat badan.
Cara pengambilan
Satu sachet malam sebelum tidur.

Tindakbalas keatas tubuh kesan pengambilan litchin enzim dan fiber
• Susah tidur pada hari-hari awal pengambilan.
• Tekak dan mulut terasa haus dan kering.
• Pengambilan air yang banyak diperlukan untuk menghindarkan rasa kurang selesa.
• Pembuangan air besar yang mudah dan lancar.
• Badan mula terasa ringan dan penurunan berat badan sudah bermula setiap hari.


Monitor your progress

Oni deBella provide our value customers with professional health data powered by Tanita. 
Tanita is the world leader in precision electronic scales. 
Tanita revolutionary new InnerScan provides information never before available from a consumer scale. Anyone who is serious about improving their total health and fitness will be able to see their personal progress. The monitors use Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) to monitor multiple components of overall health. The results are analyzed along with gender, age, height and weight for the most accurate and comprehensive at-home reading ever available. Measurements include Weight, Body Fat %, Body Water %, Basal Metabolic Rate, Metabolic Age, Bone Mass, Muscle Mass, Physique Rating, and exclusive to Tanita Visceral Fat Rating.

To truly understand your inner health you should monitor your body composition
- What is total body water percentage? (Applicable age 18 - 99)
Total Body Water Percentage is the total amount of fluid in a person’s body expressed as a
percentage of their total weight.
Water plays a vital role in many of the body’s processes and is found in every cell, tissue and organ.
Maintaining a healthy total body water percentage will ensure the body functions efficiently and will
reduce the risk of developing associated health problems.
Your body water levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day and night. Your body tends to be
dehydrated after a longnight and there are differences in fluid distribution between day and night.
Eating large meals, drinking alcohol, menstruation, illness, exercising, and bathing may cause
variations in your hydration levels.
Your body water percentage reading should act as a guide and should not be used to specifically
determine your absolute recommended total body water percentage. It is important to look for longterm
changes in total body water percentage and maintain a consistent, healthy total body water
Drinking a large quantity of water in one sitting will not instantly change your water level. In fact,
it will increase your body fat reading due to the additional weight gain. Please monitor all readings
over time to track the relative change.
Every individual varies but as a guide the average total body water percentage ranges for a healthy
adult are:
Female : 45 to 60%
Male : 50 to 65%
Source : Based on Tanita's Internal Research
Note: The total body water percentage will tend to decrease as the percentage of body fat increases. A
person with a high percentage of body fat may fall below the average body water percentage.
As you lose body fat the total body water percentage should gradually move towards the
typical range given above.

- What is visceral fat rating? (Applicable age 18 - 99)
This feature indicates the rating of visceral fat in your body.
Visceral fat is the fat that is in the internal abdominal cavity, surrounding the vital organs in the trunk
(abdominal) area. Research shows that even if your weight and body fat remains constant, as you
get older the distribution of fat changes and is more likely to shift to the trunk area especially post
menopause. Ensuring you, have healthy levels of visceral fat my reduce the risk of certain diseases
such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and the onset of type 2 diabetes.
The Tanita Body Composition Analyzer will provide you with a visceral fat rating from 1 – 59.
Rating from 1 to 12
Indicates you have a healthy level of visceral fat. Continue monitoring your rating to ensure that it
stays within the healthy range.
Rating from 13 – 59
Indicates you have an excess level of visceral fat. Consider making changes in your lifestyle possibly
through diet changes or increasing exercise.
Source: 1) Tanita Institute Contract Study. Algorithm Development for Estimating Visceral Fat Rating.
SB Heymsfield MD. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons 2004.
2) Wang, Z., et al. Japanese-American Differences in Visceral Adiposity and a Simplified
Estimation Method for Visceral Adipose Tissue. North American Association for the Study
of Obesity. Annual Meeting. Abstract 518-P. 2004
•Even if you have a low body fat rate, you may have a high visceral fat level.
•For medical diagnosis, consult a physician.

- What is basal metabolic rate (BMR)? (Applicable age 18 - 99)
Your Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR) is the minimum level of energy your body needs when at rest to
function effectively including your respiratory and circulatory organs, neural system, liver, kidneys,
and other organs. You burn calories when sleeping.
About 70% of calories consumed every day are used for your basal metabolism. In addition, energy
is used when doing any kind of activity however; the more vigorous the activity is the more calories
are burned. This is because skeletal muscle (which accounts for approximately 40% of your body
weight) acts as your metabolic engine and uses a large amount of energy. Your basal metabolism is
greatly affected by the quantity of muscles you have, therefore increasing your muscle mass will help
increase your basal metabolism.
By studying healthy individuals, scientists have found that as people age, their metabolic rate
changes. Basal metabolism rises as a child matures. After a peak at the age of 16 or 17, it typically
starts to decrease gradually.
Having a higher basal metabolism will increase the number of calories used and help to decrease the
amount of body fat. A low basal metabolic rate will make it harder to lose body fat and overall weight.
The basic way of calculating Basal Metabolic Rate BMR is a standard equation using weight and age.
Tanita has conducted in-depth research into the relationship of BMR and body composition giving a
much more accurate and personalized reading for the user based on the impedance measurement.
This method has been medically validated using indirect calorimetry (measuring the breath
* Reliability on equation for Basal Metabolic Rate: At 2002 Nutrition Week : A Scientific and Clinical Forum and
Exposition Title: International Comparison: Resting Energy Expenditure Prediction Models: The American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition

- What is metabolic age? (Applicable age 18 - 99)
This feature calculates your BMR and indicates the average age associated with that type of
If your BMR Age is higher than your actual age, it is an indication that you need to improve your
metabolic rate. Increased exercise will build healthy muscle tissue, which will improve your
metabolic age.
You will obtain a reading between 12 and 90. Under 12 will be displayed as “12” and over 90
displayed as “90”.

Bored and Extremely Dangerous

My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four.  Unless there are three other people.  ~Orson Welles

Obesity is a mental state, a disease brought on by boredom and disappointment.  
~Cyril Connolly, The Unquiet Grave

My wife is a light eater.  As soon as it's light, she starts to eat.  
~Henny Youngman

One should eat to live, not live to eat.  
~Cicero,Rhetoricorum LV

I keep trying to lose weight... but it keeps finding me!  
~Author Unknown

I'm on a seafood diet.  I see food and I eat it. 
 ~Author Unknown

The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends. 
 ~Author Unknown

I'm allergic to food.  Every time I eat it breaks out into fat.  
~Jennifer Greene Duncan